It's oh so tempting to wrap our babies up now the temperature is beginning to drop!
Add layers of warmth around your sling rather than under it, so it's easy to adjust things if baby starts to feels too warm. The sling you're wearing will count as at least one layer!
Avoid thicker materials under the sling (think indoor clothing only) - so no snowsuits please, instead you could layer baby with a vest, a top, and a thinner cardi or jumper, trousers with legwarmers over if really needed. OR put a snowsuit / or something like a star blanket on baby's arms / legs on the outside of the sling, so it acts as a bit of a carrier cover. Anything too chunky under your carrier (such as a snowsuit) will compromise fit, which in turn could cause baby to slump / overheat. Tightening your sling can feel quite different over thick wollies too, and will equally add more heat to both you and baby - so layering yourself is a good idea!
Sleepsuits - absolutely fine, but just ensure your little ones toes have plenty of wiggleroom as they will bunch up a bit / pinch toes when placed into a carrier - equally we don't want baby swamped in fabric as this could end up by their airways.
Our heads, hands and feet tend to feel the cold first. Pop a hat on baby, thicker socks or booties, mittens and leg warmers when it's chilly out.
Sling Hoods - Always make sure you can see baby's face, have one side of the hood always open, so you can clearly see baby's mouth and ensure the airflow is good.
If you touch babies neck you'll feel their core temperature - when baby is close enough to kiss (no stooping) and they are clearly in-view (face fully over the carrier panel), monitoring is a lot easier, so you'll be quickly able to check and adjust those light layers as you go.
Outerwear- A babywearing coat is a great investment, look for ones that will allow for front & back carrying for more longevity (wombat, mamillia)! For more budget-friendly solutions look at zip-us-in universal coat extender panels, an oversized coat to wrap around you both or babywearing covers (Bundlebean / Babywearing Cosy) you could even thread your babies coat through your carrier straps for a makeshift cover :)
Enjoy winter wearing!