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Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 25, 20243 min read
A LOT OF fuss over facing out
Facing out is not going to be the most comfy position for you or baby, but can be enjoyable in short bursts if done safely - using the...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 23, 20243 min read
Exercise classes and carriers?!
Safety regarding exercise classes and carriers

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 21, 20243 min read
Sling Safety! Remember ABC.
These three letters crossover but can really help when it comes to your safety checks each time you carry. A is for AIRWAYS Each carry...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 17, 20242 min read
What do you get when you book a 1:1 carrying consultation?
More money saved overall - before deciding you're baby isn't a sling baby, you may feel quite differently after a carrier fitting...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 15, 20241 min read
Free Photo Fitchecks!
Want a quick is my carry safe / could I be more comfy fitcheck?! No problem - just pop me some pictures over via my Instagram or Facebook...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 15, 20243 min read
Baby Carriers, & Age/Weight Limits.
Newborn to 3+ years?! If it sounds too good to be true, you'd be right, as this is often isn't the case!* All babies are sized...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 13, 20249 min read
What is the best, or just a good carrier? Let me tell you what carriers I'm less keen to shout about! Preferences can really vary, so it's finding what works for you & your little one well!
Recommendations when it comes to carriers don't really work, as I find different types of straps suit different people, some have...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 13, 20244 min read
Artipoppe Zeitgeist Vs Lenny Lamb Light
Do I need to spend £££ on the perfect carrier, or is there a comparable alternative that I could consider instead?!
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