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Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 23, 20243 min read
Exercise classes and carriers?!
Safety regarding exercise classes and carriers

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 21, 20243 min read
Sling Safety! Remember ABC.
These three letters crossover but can really help when it comes to your safety checks each time you carry. A is for AIRWAYS Each carry...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 15, 20242 min read
Brrr!!! Let's talk about carrying in the cold safely!
It's oh so tempting to wrap our babies up now the temperature is beginning to drop! Add layers of warmth around your sling rather than...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 14, 20242 min read
How on earth do you dress when babywearing in those in-betweeny seasons?!
It's sunny one minute then it's raining, one day it's freezing and a few later feels positively like summer again - argh! My key...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Sep 13, 20249 min read
What is the best, or just a good carrier? Let me tell you what carriers I'm less keen to shout about! Preferences can really vary, so it's finding what works for you & your little one well!
Recommendations when it comes to carriers don't really work, as I find different types of straps suit different people, some have...

Emma Edmondson-Payne
Jul 1, 20242 min read
Summer Sling Safety
Airways: Don't be tempted to have a looser carrier to make things less hot we need baby held close to our bodies with a correctly...
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